The other side…


So you don’t think I’m insane for even entertaining this man in my life, there is always a flip side to every coin.  I have flowers every week from him.  He writes me little notes on toilet paper the mornings that he is here.  He laughs and plays with the kids.  He has provided financial support thus far although he does threaten it.  As well, he reduced the amount significantly by a thousand dollars when I begged for him to spend the weekend with his children.  He is never affectionate with me, never says sorry, never asks me how I’m doing.  In fact, when I do share, he says he doesn’t care.  If I say Im tired, he responds that he is moreso and we should swap places and he can stay at home and I work.  No comfort, no love, no compassion, no sharing.  Whats wrong with me? Sounds like my father when I was a child!  Goodness grief! How did a post about his kindnesses turn into one about his meanness? Because the scales weigh heavily in one direction.  Don’t abuse your children, because it hardwires them to accept and normalize that type of behavior in their adult lives.  I must find the courage to leave.  I have an education.  I don’t want to miss my kids’ childhood by working but staying at home being emotionally abused isn’t enabling me to be very present anyways.  What’s worse is his family justifies his behavior and no one believes me.  They say I must have made him angry.  Geeezzz. I must stop this cycle.

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