

So he kept true to his promise and didn’t come home.  Although I still set him aside a plate and continued to glance out the window for his van, I felt invigorated today! The absence of his negativity actually increased my energy! 🙂 I am a powerful beautiful woman who will not believe the lies he tells me about myself.  I have done everything in my power to make him happy, yet it is not enough.  I did not cook when we met much, but I cook these elaborate gourmet meals that are his cultural cuisine in order to please him.  I support him having week nights away from the home so he can relax and sleep without being awoken by his children.  I am intimate with him whenever he is in the mood, in fact, I initiate it most of the time. At least I can be proud of myself for doing everything I possible could to make my children’s father happy.  The rest is up to him.  But there will be no more emotional abuse.

In order to ensure this, I will create a community of fellow like minded women.  A tribe.  A sisterhood.  This unity and bond will strengthen us so that this type of situation does not rear its unsavory head in our lives again!

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